John McCain and Sarah Palin have put all their apples in the Ohio and Pennsylvania baskets. McCain did six rallies today in Ohio and Palin has made similar appearances in Pennsylvania. They will continue through the weekend.
It is highly unlikely that they can win without carrying both states. If they carry both states, they can afford to lose Virginia or a couple of small western states like Colorado, New Mexico or Nevada.
There are no polls showing them ahead at this late date in any of these states. What the late polls do show is that the ticket is closing strong, and at least a couple of polls, including the esteemed Gallup Poll, put them within two points of Obama nationally.
At this point, several factors could break McCain's way. One is that voters under 25 to do not traditionally make voting a high priority. This is where Obama is strongest. Senior citizens, where McCain is strongest, vote--come hell or high water.
Another is that Hispanic voters are the least accurately polled bloc of voters. McCain should be strong with Hispanic voters. He was on their side in the immigration debate, supporting and introducing amnesty legislation. If he runs more strongly than the polls show with this bloc, it could help him carry Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada.
The special interest groups, particularly the National Rifle Association and the National Right to Life, are suddenly running hard line anti-Obama commercials. This should pull White Catholics and rural hunters--both crucial blocs of voters in carrying Ohio and Pennsylvania.
The election is tightening up on this final weekend, and some think there still could be a surprise come next Tuesday.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Embarrassing Obama tapes surface
Reportedly the Obama power brokers are livid--all the circuit breakers going off--over two recently-discovered and long lost Obama tapes. One is from a public radio interview on a call-in show from 2001, which was posted online by Matt Drudge and is the hit of the blogosphere. It has been reported on Fox, but ignored by the other major media.
The second is a videotape of the going-away party for pro-Arab Israel basher Rashid Khalidi from 2003, which was addressed by Illinois State Sen. Barack Obama, as well as his good friends William Ayres and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn. Khalidi was leaving the University of Chicago faculty to go to Columbia to head a Middle East studies center, where he has maintained to this day a virulent anti-Semitic, anti-Israel diatribe.
In both these tapes, Obama says grossly embarrassing things for his presidential campaign. On the 2001 talk show, he blasts the nation's founding fathers, the U.S.constitution, and says the Earl Warren Court was too conservative for failing to implement redistributionist schemes. On the 2003 tapes, he gushes about his good friends the Khadilis, who babysat his daughters, as well as Ayres and Dohrn--who he has said in his presidential campaign that barely knew.
At best, Obama comes off as far left, and at worst, Anti-America, Anti-Jew and Pro-Arab.
The mass media has conspired with the Obama campaign to keep these, and other embarrassing documents, under wraps until after the election. Such documents include his writings for the Harvard Law Review, term papers from his Columbia and Harvard days, and full details of the place of his birth and the possibility that he held dual citizenship in either Indonesia or Kenya--making him ineligible to serve as President.
That Drudge and other conservatives are finally unearthing these truths at this late hour, is driving the Obama campaign bonkers. It just might not be too late for a McCain rally.
The second is a videotape of the going-away party for pro-Arab Israel basher Rashid Khalidi from 2003, which was addressed by Illinois State Sen. Barack Obama, as well as his good friends William Ayres and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn. Khalidi was leaving the University of Chicago faculty to go to Columbia to head a Middle East studies center, where he has maintained to this day a virulent anti-Semitic, anti-Israel diatribe.
In both these tapes, Obama says grossly embarrassing things for his presidential campaign. On the 2001 talk show, he blasts the nation's founding fathers, the U.S.constitution, and says the Earl Warren Court was too conservative for failing to implement redistributionist schemes. On the 2003 tapes, he gushes about his good friends the Khadilis, who babysat his daughters, as well as Ayres and Dohrn--who he has said in his presidential campaign that barely knew.
At best, Obama comes off as far left, and at worst, Anti-America, Anti-Jew and Pro-Arab.
The mass media has conspired with the Obama campaign to keep these, and other embarrassing documents, under wraps until after the election. Such documents include his writings for the Harvard Law Review, term papers from his Columbia and Harvard days, and full details of the place of his birth and the possibility that he held dual citizenship in either Indonesia or Kenya--making him ineligible to serve as President.
That Drudge and other conservatives are finally unearthing these truths at this late hour, is driving the Obama campaign bonkers. It just might not be too late for a McCain rally.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Wright omission a serious McCain error
If the McCain campaign goes ahead and loses, as all the polls say it will, it will have missed a historic opportunity.
By declaring the rantings of Obama's 20-year pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, off limits--McCain will have effectively blown one of the prime issues available to discredit Obama as a future president. Wright is so far beyond the pale, and known to most Americans from all the spring's heavy TV play of his racist, incendiary sermons, that he is a legitimate issue. His tight ties with Muslims like Louis Farrakhan and Moamar Khadafi--as well as his replacement upon retirement by Obama friend, the Black Nationalist Otis Moss--would shock the sensibilities of a lot of Americans, if they were reminded.
At the very least, a 2008 version of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is needed, to replay the Wright tapes and remind voters of the truly radical ties Obama has. William Ayres is certainly a bad friend for Obama to have, but anyone under the age of 55 doesn't even know who he is. Ayres and his wife Bernadine Dohrn were violent terrorists in the anti-Vietnam War protest days and have refused to repent for their actions, but most voters in 2008 didn't live through that.
Letting Obama off the hook for his ties to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who conducted his wedding to Michelle and baptized his children, is missing a great opportunity. With all the videotapes around of Wright's rabid radicalism--the most famous of which was his rant God Damn America--Obama can only claim that he was a very poor church attender or that he slept through the sermons.
And as fiery as Wright is, that would defy credulity.
By declaring the rantings of Obama's 20-year pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, off limits--McCain will have effectively blown one of the prime issues available to discredit Obama as a future president. Wright is so far beyond the pale, and known to most Americans from all the spring's heavy TV play of his racist, incendiary sermons, that he is a legitimate issue. His tight ties with Muslims like Louis Farrakhan and Moamar Khadafi--as well as his replacement upon retirement by Obama friend, the Black Nationalist Otis Moss--would shock the sensibilities of a lot of Americans, if they were reminded.
At the very least, a 2008 version of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is needed, to replay the Wright tapes and remind voters of the truly radical ties Obama has. William Ayres is certainly a bad friend for Obama to have, but anyone under the age of 55 doesn't even know who he is. Ayres and his wife Bernadine Dohrn were violent terrorists in the anti-Vietnam War protest days and have refused to repent for their actions, but most voters in 2008 didn't live through that.
Letting Obama off the hook for his ties to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who conducted his wedding to Michelle and baptized his children, is missing a great opportunity. With all the videotapes around of Wright's rabid radicalism--the most famous of which was his rant God Damn America--Obama can only claim that he was a very poor church attender or that he slept through the sermons.
And as fiery as Wright is, that would defy credulity.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
It's not much of a shot, but it's a shot
I've got the stratagem for John McCain and Sarah Palin to pull out the election here in the last 10 days.
The polls mostly show Obama and Biden comfortably ahead. But they also show that the duo really hasn't closed the deal, as many of their backers, when questioned more deeply, still express vague doubts.
The line is this: America has a proud democratic tradition of a government of checks and balances. There won't be any if the Democrats gain the presidency, 60 seats for a veto-proof majority in the U.S. Senate and pick up 20 seats in the U.S. House. The Democrats are going to control Congress in all likelihood, so the only check and balance on congressional power is John McCain as president.
To some extent, this throws GOP candidates for the Senate and House under the bus, but many are going to lose anyway. Sen. Elizabeth Dole in North Carolina is already using this line in her latest ads, saying the Senate needs her to keep it from having a veto-proof 60-vote Democratic majority. As long as Republicans have at least 41 seats, they can sustain a filibuster.
The tax argument that McCain is using does have some resonance, but the checks and balances argument is even stronger. It's not tool late for Americans to rethink what they're doing, and pull out a narrow McCain victory,
He'd probably lose the popular vote, as Obama will sweep some states like Illinois and Massachusetts by huge margins and McCain will carry enough to win, but by very tiny margins. But that's the way the electoral college works--it takes 270 votes to win, and if you carry enough states to make that happen, that's all that counts.
McCain has a very narrow window of opportunity, with very few good options. He must carry all the states Bush carried, or lose a couple small ones and carry a big state like Pennsylvania.
It's not much of a shot, but it's a shot.
The polls mostly show Obama and Biden comfortably ahead. But they also show that the duo really hasn't closed the deal, as many of their backers, when questioned more deeply, still express vague doubts.
The line is this: America has a proud democratic tradition of a government of checks and balances. There won't be any if the Democrats gain the presidency, 60 seats for a veto-proof majority in the U.S. Senate and pick up 20 seats in the U.S. House. The Democrats are going to control Congress in all likelihood, so the only check and balance on congressional power is John McCain as president.
To some extent, this throws GOP candidates for the Senate and House under the bus, but many are going to lose anyway. Sen. Elizabeth Dole in North Carolina is already using this line in her latest ads, saying the Senate needs her to keep it from having a veto-proof 60-vote Democratic majority. As long as Republicans have at least 41 seats, they can sustain a filibuster.
The tax argument that McCain is using does have some resonance, but the checks and balances argument is even stronger. It's not tool late for Americans to rethink what they're doing, and pull out a narrow McCain victory,
He'd probably lose the popular vote, as Obama will sweep some states like Illinois and Massachusetts by huge margins and McCain will carry enough to win, but by very tiny margins. But that's the way the electoral college works--it takes 270 votes to win, and if you carry enough states to make that happen, that's all that counts.
McCain has a very narrow window of opportunity, with very few good options. He must carry all the states Bush carried, or lose a couple small ones and carry a big state like Pennsylvania.
It's not much of a shot, but it's a shot.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Why is Associated Press not joining liberal pack?
Associated Press, a normally reliably liberal news source, for some reason has an accurate poll on the presidential election, showing McCain and Obama tied. All the new-method polls, with various adjustments to them to account for the new legions of black voters, youth voters with cell phones only, etc., show Obama 10-14 points ahead.
McCain supporters are more energized, according to the AP poll, and Obama supporters less so. The GOP candidate has been shown behind at this stage in all the recent presidential elections, and has either won or come much closer than the polls show.
Only the AP has picked up this happening again.
The liberal pollsters, and of course the liberal press, like to the make the Democratic nominee look as good as possible.
The only mystery is why the AP isn't participating this time.
The election is not over, and with the Bradley Effect to boot, McCain still has an excellent opportunity to be elected.
McCain supporters are more energized, according to the AP poll, and Obama supporters less so. The GOP candidate has been shown behind at this stage in all the recent presidential elections, and has either won or come much closer than the polls show.
Only the AP has picked up this happening again.
The liberal pollsters, and of course the liberal press, like to the make the Democratic nominee look as good as possible.
The only mystery is why the AP isn't participating this time.
The election is not over, and with the Bradley Effect to boot, McCain still has an excellent opportunity to be elected.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Gross media distortion hides inconvenient truths
Let a Republican even attempt, much less pull off, what Barack Obama and Joe Biden have gotten away with--and the liberal media would be screaming bloody murder. Because its Obama and Biden, it's "no harm, no foul."
The outrageous whoppers Biden pulled off in the debate with Sarah Palin were barely acknowledged in the mass media. He re-wrote history, told of eating at a restaurant the other day that's been closed 20 years, and completely mischaracterized the U.S. constitution and what it says about the power an duties of the vice president. Sarah Palin had it right and Biden wrong, but neither the pro-Obama moderator nor the liberal media afterward even acknowledged it.
Biden is the one in the early Democratic debates who referred to his own running mate as "a clean black candidate," and continuously savaged him for his thin resume, lack of foreign policy experience and questionable Chicago machine connections. Yet he lied about what Obama said in the early debates about meeting with no conditions attached, with the brutal dictators of Cuba, Iran and North Korea.
Obama will have raised over $600 million for his campaign by the time its over. This is obscene, and would be blasted if a Republican did it, as pandering to the special interests, selling out to Wall Street and taking payoffs from America's enemies. By the way, even though its illegal, Obama has received contributions from over 160,000 foreign nationals, according to his required campaign finance filings.
Obama is outspending McCain 3 to 1 in the battleground states for TV commercials. This is because McCain accepted federal funds, limiting his take to $85 million. If a Republican had refused federal funds as Obama has, he would be tarred and feathered.
Obama has been given the star treatment by the media, not having to answer inconvenient questions about his Muslim elementary education, the disappearance of any of his college writings from Occidential, Harvard and Columbia universities, his 20-year relationship to Rev. Jeremiah Wright who hates whites and preaches black liberation theology, his cavorting with terrorists like William Ayres and crooks like the Syrian national Tony Rezko.
The hypocrisy and double-dealing of Obama and the mass media is nothing short of breathtaking. No matter how hard the mass media has tried, McCain is still within two points in some polls and the trends seem to be going his way.
The outrageous whoppers Biden pulled off in the debate with Sarah Palin were barely acknowledged in the mass media. He re-wrote history, told of eating at a restaurant the other day that's been closed 20 years, and completely mischaracterized the U.S. constitution and what it says about the power an duties of the vice president. Sarah Palin had it right and Biden wrong, but neither the pro-Obama moderator nor the liberal media afterward even acknowledged it.
Biden is the one in the early Democratic debates who referred to his own running mate as "a clean black candidate," and continuously savaged him for his thin resume, lack of foreign policy experience and questionable Chicago machine connections. Yet he lied about what Obama said in the early debates about meeting with no conditions attached, with the brutal dictators of Cuba, Iran and North Korea.
Obama will have raised over $600 million for his campaign by the time its over. This is obscene, and would be blasted if a Republican did it, as pandering to the special interests, selling out to Wall Street and taking payoffs from America's enemies. By the way, even though its illegal, Obama has received contributions from over 160,000 foreign nationals, according to his required campaign finance filings.
Obama is outspending McCain 3 to 1 in the battleground states for TV commercials. This is because McCain accepted federal funds, limiting his take to $85 million. If a Republican had refused federal funds as Obama has, he would be tarred and feathered.
Obama has been given the star treatment by the media, not having to answer inconvenient questions about his Muslim elementary education, the disappearance of any of his college writings from Occidential, Harvard and Columbia universities, his 20-year relationship to Rev. Jeremiah Wright who hates whites and preaches black liberation theology, his cavorting with terrorists like William Ayres and crooks like the Syrian national Tony Rezko.
The hypocrisy and double-dealing of Obama and the mass media is nothing short of breathtaking. No matter how hard the mass media has tried, McCain is still within two points in some polls and the trends seem to be going his way.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sen. Ken Salazar: master of cheap shots, piling on
Colorado's embarrassing, soon-to-be-senior U.S. Senator, Ken Salazar, is at it again. He is the master of harvesting cheap political hay at the drop of a hat.
Today alone, he piled on two situations that are already on their way to be being resolved, and don't require his intervention. But alas, he's up for re-election in two years and needs to garner all the favorable publicity he can get.
Most noted for his ridiculous cowboy hats and boots, as well as his inarticulate, painful speaking style, Salazar works his Hispanic heritage for all its worth. Salazar certainly is not a cowboy, but a 17th street lawyer. Presumably, the cowboy hat covers up his failed comb-over, and serves as some sort of badge of identification--a politcal brand, if you will.
The real problem is that his head and stature are too small for the big hats, making real cowboys laugh.
Even worse are his political cheap shots and piling on. Today he called for the resignation of Chief Federal District Judge Edward Nottingham, a great jurist who has diminished himself by consorting with prostitutes in strip clubs and lying about it.
The system already has this one well in hand, and Salazar is simply piling on, trying to belatedly get on the correct side.
Similarly, he has called for a congressional investigation of soldiers from Fort Carson serving in Iraq. Too little, too late--Salazar's simply trying to get his mug on the news, playing tough guy.
Salazar has been a farce in the Senate. He claims to be a moderate. He accomplishes this hollow feat by voting conservative on no-hoper bills like the flag burning amendment, while voting liberal on everything else. He joins Barack Obama with one of the most liberal voting records in the U.S. Senate. There are no major bills, threads of vision or leadership in the Senate from Ken Salazar.
The product of a bitter GOP primary between Peter Coors and Bob Schaffer, Salazar was a fluke when he was elected, and hasn't gotten any better in office. Even as severely atrophied and emaciated as the Colorado Republican Party is, surely they can figure out how to bump off this ripe target in 2010.
Today alone, he piled on two situations that are already on their way to be being resolved, and don't require his intervention. But alas, he's up for re-election in two years and needs to garner all the favorable publicity he can get.
Most noted for his ridiculous cowboy hats and boots, as well as his inarticulate, painful speaking style, Salazar works his Hispanic heritage for all its worth. Salazar certainly is not a cowboy, but a 17th street lawyer. Presumably, the cowboy hat covers up his failed comb-over, and serves as some sort of badge of identification--a politcal brand, if you will.
The real problem is that his head and stature are too small for the big hats, making real cowboys laugh.
Even worse are his political cheap shots and piling on. Today he called for the resignation of Chief Federal District Judge Edward Nottingham, a great jurist who has diminished himself by consorting with prostitutes in strip clubs and lying about it.
The system already has this one well in hand, and Salazar is simply piling on, trying to belatedly get on the correct side.
Similarly, he has called for a congressional investigation of soldiers from Fort Carson serving in Iraq. Too little, too late--Salazar's simply trying to get his mug on the news, playing tough guy.
Salazar has been a farce in the Senate. He claims to be a moderate. He accomplishes this hollow feat by voting conservative on no-hoper bills like the flag burning amendment, while voting liberal on everything else. He joins Barack Obama with one of the most liberal voting records in the U.S. Senate. There are no major bills, threads of vision or leadership in the Senate from Ken Salazar.
The product of a bitter GOP primary between Peter Coors and Bob Schaffer, Salazar was a fluke when he was elected, and hasn't gotten any better in office. Even as severely atrophied and emaciated as the Colorado Republican Party is, surely they can figure out how to bump off this ripe target in 2010.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Anecdotal evidence piles up of false polling data
While all the polls continue to predict an Obama victory in the presidential race, there are at least two things wrong this year, that probably render the polls inaccurate and unreliable.
Precinct worker after precinct worker continues to report that people won't put out yard signs or put on bumper stickers for McCain this year, winking to the worker and saying "of course we're voting for McCain, but we can't afford to risk publicly showing it." Voters are spooked about publicly opposing America's first Black major party nominee.
This also is skewing the polls, as people lie to the poll taker. They are hyper-sensitive about appearing racist. The safest thing to do is lie, and say "Obama" when they ask. This is a lot different situation than what voters will face in the privacy of the voting booth or at their kitchen table filling out their mail-in ballot. The so-called Bradley Effect is real, and no amount of liberal press wishful thinking will make it go away. Black candidates always run worse than the polls show, particularly in high profile races like President of the United States--and it is named after the loss Black Mayor Tom Bradley of Los Angeles suffered for the California governorship, when the polls showed him leading convincingly.
The second factor that is becoming increasingly crucial in polling today, is the extent to which cell phones are taking over from land lines. There is no directory of cell phone numbers. A lot of people have them precisely for that reason. Pollsters find it increasingly difficult to get people to answer poll questions at all, and those they're able to reach are not a true cross-section of the American populace.
Of all years, 2008 has proven to provide the diciest polling atmosphere in history. At least John McCain hopes so.
Precinct worker after precinct worker continues to report that people won't put out yard signs or put on bumper stickers for McCain this year, winking to the worker and saying "of course we're voting for McCain, but we can't afford to risk publicly showing it." Voters are spooked about publicly opposing America's first Black major party nominee.
This also is skewing the polls, as people lie to the poll taker. They are hyper-sensitive about appearing racist. The safest thing to do is lie, and say "Obama" when they ask. This is a lot different situation than what voters will face in the privacy of the voting booth or at their kitchen table filling out their mail-in ballot. The so-called Bradley Effect is real, and no amount of liberal press wishful thinking will make it go away. Black candidates always run worse than the polls show, particularly in high profile races like President of the United States--and it is named after the loss Black Mayor Tom Bradley of Los Angeles suffered for the California governorship, when the polls showed him leading convincingly.
The second factor that is becoming increasingly crucial in polling today, is the extent to which cell phones are taking over from land lines. There is no directory of cell phone numbers. A lot of people have them precisely for that reason. Pollsters find it increasingly difficult to get people to answer poll questions at all, and those they're able to reach are not a true cross-section of the American populace.
Of all years, 2008 has proven to provide the diciest polling atmosphere in history. At least John McCain hopes so.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sharp contrasts evident in last debate
Obama and McCain went at it hammer and tongs in the last presidential debate of the 2008 campaign, drawing sharp contrasts for anyone who cared enough to actually pay attention and listen. The two differed dramatically on abortion, vouchers, taxes and a plethora of other issues.
But for John McCain, it was the same problem as the other two debates: no major mistakes were made, neither candidate made any major gaffes and neither scored any major, obvious debating points over the other. That means the liberal media will declare Obama the winner and McCain will have lost one of his last big opportunities to break through in the election.
McCain tried valiantly to differentiate himself from President Bush and his policies. It is quesionable if he did it strongly enough, decisively enough, to establish himself as a true maverick in the public's mind.
The debate never really got around to McCain's strong points: experience and fighting terrorism. McCain set forth his economic recovery plan, but it was belittled by Obama, and that's what the media will report.
McCain failed to make the dramatic, master stroke, game changing breakthrough.
We can only hope its not too late, and that events will provide him another chance. He's risen from the dead at least twice in this present campaign, and with 21 days to go, he still needs one more miracle.
But for John McCain, it was the same problem as the other two debates: no major mistakes were made, neither candidate made any major gaffes and neither scored any major, obvious debating points over the other. That means the liberal media will declare Obama the winner and McCain will have lost one of his last big opportunities to break through in the election.
McCain tried valiantly to differentiate himself from President Bush and his policies. It is quesionable if he did it strongly enough, decisively enough, to establish himself as a true maverick in the public's mind.
The debate never really got around to McCain's strong points: experience and fighting terrorism. McCain set forth his economic recovery plan, but it was belittled by Obama, and that's what the media will report.
McCain failed to make the dramatic, master stroke, game changing breakthrough.
We can only hope its not too late, and that events will provide him another chance. He's risen from the dead at least twice in this present campaign, and with 21 days to go, he still needs one more miracle.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
60 Demo votes in Senate a disaster
The Republican National Committee is borrowing several million dollars to shore up the campaigns of embattled Republicans in tight U.S. Senate races. It is a little late to be thinking of this, but speaks to the disorganization and calcification of the party apparatus.
That it should even come to this, is an embarrassment. There should have been excellent candidate recruitment, party building and training within each state where a Senate seat might be winnable over a year ago. This late in the game, the usefulness of a few extra bucks, without having laid the groundwork earlier, is open to question.
It shows the increasing desperation that is creeping into GOP ranks. There is no question, due to prospective Supreme Court ratifications, New Deal type social programs and reigning in taxes, a veto-proof Democratic majority in the Senate would be a disaster. Somebody should have thought about that a long time ago.
The Senate has been the main line of defense in the last two years of the Bush presidency, where the minority GOP forces could at least mount or threaten a filibuster to keep the Democrats in line. With 60 Democratic votes suddenly looking very feasible, an Obama presidency could not be kept in check.
When combined with the weak-kneed Republican leadership in Congress (to get along, go along), such a loss of seats would be an unmitigated disaster. Things could only be saved if such a Democratic wipe-out led to overconfidence and over-reaching, becoming a four-year Jimmy Carter type reign.
We can only hope.
That it should even come to this, is an embarrassment. There should have been excellent candidate recruitment, party building and training within each state where a Senate seat might be winnable over a year ago. This late in the game, the usefulness of a few extra bucks, without having laid the groundwork earlier, is open to question.
It shows the increasing desperation that is creeping into GOP ranks. There is no question, due to prospective Supreme Court ratifications, New Deal type social programs and reigning in taxes, a veto-proof Democratic majority in the Senate would be a disaster. Somebody should have thought about that a long time ago.
The Senate has been the main line of defense in the last two years of the Bush presidency, where the minority GOP forces could at least mount or threaten a filibuster to keep the Democrats in line. With 60 Democratic votes suddenly looking very feasible, an Obama presidency could not be kept in check.
When combined with the weak-kneed Republican leadership in Congress (to get along, go along), such a loss of seats would be an unmitigated disaster. Things could only be saved if such a Democratic wipe-out led to overconfidence and over-reaching, becoming a four-year Jimmy Carter type reign.
We can only hope.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Nobel prize goes for politics over science again
The liberal news media love to trumpet the importance of the Nobel prizes from Sweden, gushing and fawning over each fellow liberal recipient, as if they were fresh with newly-revealed truth.
Such a scene has repeated itself once again this year, as leftist New York Times columnist and sometime academic Paul Krugman won the Nobel Prize for Economics. Well known for blasting President Bush, deregulation of the economy and free enterprise economics, Krugman is hardly the distinguished economic scientist the prize was meant to reward.
More likely, the Swedish socialists behind the award, are trying to inject themselves into the U.S. election in 27 days, by bringing favorable news coverage to their pet nostrums and proponents. If the glory of the Nobel can some how rub off Krugman on to loyal foot soldier Barack Obama, so much the better.
That's why the Nobel prizes have become so hollow and predictable, done less for merit than political correctness.
Even Sweden has had to back away from socialism, as the rampant costs and deficits threaten to bankrupt the country. This doesn't keep the fellow travelers who lavish the Nobel cash on their friends from carrying on.
They are shameless.
Such a scene has repeated itself once again this year, as leftist New York Times columnist and sometime academic Paul Krugman won the Nobel Prize for Economics. Well known for blasting President Bush, deregulation of the economy and free enterprise economics, Krugman is hardly the distinguished economic scientist the prize was meant to reward.
More likely, the Swedish socialists behind the award, are trying to inject themselves into the U.S. election in 27 days, by bringing favorable news coverage to their pet nostrums and proponents. If the glory of the Nobel can some how rub off Krugman on to loyal foot soldier Barack Obama, so much the better.
That's why the Nobel prizes have become so hollow and predictable, done less for merit than political correctness.
Even Sweden has had to back away from socialism, as the rampant costs and deficits threaten to bankrupt the country. This doesn't keep the fellow travelers who lavish the Nobel cash on their friends from carrying on.
They are shameless.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Bill Ayres ghostwrote Obama's book
There's a bombshell out that you probably won't hear or read of in the mass media.
Weatherman Bill Ayres, a University of Chicago English professor, and unrepentant terrorist from the 1970s, ghostwrote "Dreams From My Father", Obama's first book, that drew in over $2 million in earnings to him and has been called the best written political autobiography in history.
Jack Cashell, is a syndicated columnist, PhD and author of the book "Hoodwinked", a tomb on how to detect fraud in writing. He has run Ayres' book "Fugitive Days" and Obama's "Dreams From My Father" through three different computer programs that gage reading difficulty, syntax and sentence construction.
He ran them after he read both books, and found them to be remarkably similar in imagery and literary style. It immediately struck him what a talented writer Ayres is, and how poorly Obama had written in the Harvard Law Review and in an Occidental College poetry magazine.
Obama's book is full of marine imagery, just like Ayres' book. There is no comparison in style between Obama's previous writing and that in "Dreams". Obama returned a $135,000 advance from Simon and Shuster, because he had writer's block and couldn't produce anything. That he would be suddenly turned into a literary genius who would be capable of producing the best selling "Dreams" defies rationality.
Obama's friendship with his neighbor Bill Ayres, holding his maiden political coming out party at Ayres' home, serving together with him on two non-profit boards and as a fellow faculty member at the University of Chicago. In addition to the literary similarity of their books, they had a close enough relationship for talented writer Ayres to ghostwrite the book.
Cashell is still analyzing Obama's second book, "The Audacity of Hope," a title cribbed from a sermon by Obama's 20-year pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
If this research draws more corroborative evidence from Obama, Ayres or a knowledgeable third party, it would be a bombshell. Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden's first presidential campaign was shot out of the water by a proven plagarism in his main campaign speech, cribbing it from British pol Neil Kinnick.
Obama is already in trouble for consorting with the radical Ayres, Rev. Wright, shadowy Syrian financier Tony Rezko and prominent Muslims like Louis Farakhan and Moamar Khadafi. He has claimed that Ayres is a distant acquaintance, at best. This might shoot that duck out of the water.
Weatherman Bill Ayres, a University of Chicago English professor, and unrepentant terrorist from the 1970s, ghostwrote "Dreams From My Father", Obama's first book, that drew in over $2 million in earnings to him and has been called the best written political autobiography in history.
Jack Cashell, is a syndicated columnist, PhD and author of the book "Hoodwinked", a tomb on how to detect fraud in writing. He has run Ayres' book "Fugitive Days" and Obama's "Dreams From My Father" through three different computer programs that gage reading difficulty, syntax and sentence construction.
He ran them after he read both books, and found them to be remarkably similar in imagery and literary style. It immediately struck him what a talented writer Ayres is, and how poorly Obama had written in the Harvard Law Review and in an Occidental College poetry magazine.
Obama's book is full of marine imagery, just like Ayres' book. There is no comparison in style between Obama's previous writing and that in "Dreams". Obama returned a $135,000 advance from Simon and Shuster, because he had writer's block and couldn't produce anything. That he would be suddenly turned into a literary genius who would be capable of producing the best selling "Dreams" defies rationality.
Obama's friendship with his neighbor Bill Ayres, holding his maiden political coming out party at Ayres' home, serving together with him on two non-profit boards and as a fellow faculty member at the University of Chicago. In addition to the literary similarity of their books, they had a close enough relationship for talented writer Ayres to ghostwrite the book.
Cashell is still analyzing Obama's second book, "The Audacity of Hope," a title cribbed from a sermon by Obama's 20-year pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
If this research draws more corroborative evidence from Obama, Ayres or a knowledgeable third party, it would be a bombshell. Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden's first presidential campaign was shot out of the water by a proven plagarism in his main campaign speech, cribbing it from British pol Neil Kinnick.
Obama is already in trouble for consorting with the radical Ayres, Rev. Wright, shadowy Syrian financier Tony Rezko and prominent Muslims like Louis Farakhan and Moamar Khadafi. He has claimed that Ayres is a distant acquaintance, at best. This might shoot that duck out of the water.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Liberal hypocrisy running rampant
The supposed cries of racism and advocating violence toward McCain supporters at recent rallies reeks of hypocrisy.
At any peace rally or other liberal event, George W. Bush is hung in effigy at a minimum, and the calls for his assassination are usually not too far behind. Some knowledgeable people have said that all that has kept Bush from being knocked off is that Dick Cheney would become President.
Just because some Americans have the temerity to oppose Obama doesn't make them racists. Just because some even take on the liberal press and expose its well-known bias, doesn't make them hicks and thugs.
The Hate Bush movement has been operating and hailed ever since he defeated Al Gore in Florida in 2000. They have since become even more vituperative and outraged since Bush was re-elected in 2004. That he was able to get two relatively young, solid conservative U.S. Supreme Court justices confirmed--the high water mark of his administration--makes them even more livid.
That's why Obama tries so hard to tie Bush to McCain. He thinks there's political capital to be raised there.
This is a ludicrous comparison, because McCain ran against Bush in 2000, and has opposed many of his major initiatives, including the tax cuts, in the Senate. To the chagrin of many conservatives, McCain is not a carbon copy of Bush.
McCain is not dead yet, the election is still 30 days away. The liberal media is in the tank for Obama and trying its best to destroy McCain, but they may well be overdoing it, and the backlash will benefit the GOP ticket.
At any peace rally or other liberal event, George W. Bush is hung in effigy at a minimum, and the calls for his assassination are usually not too far behind. Some knowledgeable people have said that all that has kept Bush from being knocked off is that Dick Cheney would become President.
Just because some Americans have the temerity to oppose Obama doesn't make them racists. Just because some even take on the liberal press and expose its well-known bias, doesn't make them hicks and thugs.
The Hate Bush movement has been operating and hailed ever since he defeated Al Gore in Florida in 2000. They have since become even more vituperative and outraged since Bush was re-elected in 2004. That he was able to get two relatively young, solid conservative U.S. Supreme Court justices confirmed--the high water mark of his administration--makes them even more livid.
That's why Obama tries so hard to tie Bush to McCain. He thinks there's political capital to be raised there.
This is a ludicrous comparison, because McCain ran against Bush in 2000, and has opposed many of his major initiatives, including the tax cuts, in the Senate. To the chagrin of many conservatives, McCain is not a carbon copy of Bush.
McCain is not dead yet, the election is still 30 days away. The liberal media is in the tank for Obama and trying its best to destroy McCain, but they may well be overdoing it, and the backlash will benefit the GOP ticket.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Alaska witch hunt ties to embarrass Palin
The illegal super-panel of the Alaska legislature that released its 263-page report today on Gov. Sarah Palin's firing of the state police commissioner, was a political document, designed solely to embarrass her. There was no good reason for the so-called nonpartisan panel not to postpone its deliberations until after the election, to end all possible appearances of partisan taint and seeking politcal advantage. There is no way, in four brief hours, the panel could possibly have read and digested the entire 263 pages.
You must remember that the panel was evenly balanced between Democrats and Republicans, with the chairman of the panel a very partisan Democrat. You must also remember that Palin was elected Governor in the first place by beating not one, but two, establishment pols in the GOP primary and then beat a prominent former Democratic Governor, Tony Knowles, in the general election. The State Senate majority leader and the majority of Republicans on the super-panel were not Palin Republicans to begin with.
A big part of her own party, and certainly the Democrats, were never Palin fans in the first place, and relished the chance to derail her vice presidential ambitions. That's why the panel barged ahead before the election, to extract its maximum pound of flesh. All Palin has ever had were the people of Alaska, who gave her an astonishing 80% approval rating in the polls.
The Alaska state government has a permanent body in place to handle such investigations, the State Personnel Board. For this partisan creation of the legislature to handle it instead, is highly irregular. Two Alaska courts, with judges appointed by Palin's predecessor, the disgraced Frank Murkowski, merely declined to intervene. They never ruled on the legality of the legislative panel.
The liberal media, who have disdained Palin all along, will have a field day with this report, without putting it in proper context. Read and hear the ensuing Palin lynch mob in the mass media with a big grain of salt.
But once again, Democrats have overplayed their hand. Just like the nationally-televised, highly partisan "funeral" for Minnesota Sen. Paul Wellstone, which resulted in St. Paul Mayor Norm Coleman defeating former vice president Walter Mondale for Wellstone's Senate seat, this partisan hatchet job on Palin is likely to ignite a huge backlash of sympathy and understanding, in light of the eager piling-on.
You must remember that the panel was evenly balanced between Democrats and Republicans, with the chairman of the panel a very partisan Democrat. You must also remember that Palin was elected Governor in the first place by beating not one, but two, establishment pols in the GOP primary and then beat a prominent former Democratic Governor, Tony Knowles, in the general election. The State Senate majority leader and the majority of Republicans on the super-panel were not Palin Republicans to begin with.
A big part of her own party, and certainly the Democrats, were never Palin fans in the first place, and relished the chance to derail her vice presidential ambitions. That's why the panel barged ahead before the election, to extract its maximum pound of flesh. All Palin has ever had were the people of Alaska, who gave her an astonishing 80% approval rating in the polls.
The Alaska state government has a permanent body in place to handle such investigations, the State Personnel Board. For this partisan creation of the legislature to handle it instead, is highly irregular. Two Alaska courts, with judges appointed by Palin's predecessor, the disgraced Frank Murkowski, merely declined to intervene. They never ruled on the legality of the legislative panel.
The liberal media, who have disdained Palin all along, will have a field day with this report, without putting it in proper context. Read and hear the ensuing Palin lynch mob in the mass media with a big grain of salt.
But once again, Democrats have overplayed their hand. Just like the nationally-televised, highly partisan "funeral" for Minnesota Sen. Paul Wellstone, which resulted in St. Paul Mayor Norm Coleman defeating former vice president Walter Mondale for Wellstone's Senate seat, this partisan hatchet job on Palin is likely to ignite a huge backlash of sympathy and understanding, in light of the eager piling-on.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Obama background finally coming out
There is no secret, or sudden, rush of anti-Obama smears gushing forth, as he'd like you to believe.
For whatever reason, the mainstream press is finally giving some scant space to what has been known from the getgo--the strange background of Barack Obama. It is no freshly discovered truth about Obama's close relationships to Weatherman Bill Ayres and his wife Bernadine Dohrn. That's been public and documented for years.
It is no secret either, about Obama's relationship with shadowy Syrian financier Tony Rezko--who put up the dough so Obama could buy a mansion he couldn't otherwise afford, and has poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into his poliitical campaigns. The only new information is that Rezko was indicted and convicted of fraud in the last few months. That the press has chosen to virtually ignore it is all that makes it seem like a fresh revelation now.
The blackout on Obama's world tour with the radical left after he quite Occidental College in California, his writings and activities at Columbia and Harvard Universities, and his role with the socialist New Party in Illinois--the facts are just waiting to be brought out.
Obama's juvenile drug use--which has has written of in his two books--has been roundly ignored in the mainstream media, but should spark at least legitimate questions.
Obama's extensive ties to Muslims and terrorists are also a legitimate area of questions. His Muslim half brother in Africa, his Muslim half sister in Hawaii. His attendance in Muslim schools until the sixth grade. His relationships with Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farakhan and Moamar Khadafy, the brutal Muslim dictator of Libya. All these are legitimate areas of concern and questions that the mass media has given Obama a pass on.
What if John McCain had a 20-year friendship with Klansman David Duke, or was tight with right wing religious figures like Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson or James Dobson? Just the opposite is actually true--but how wild would the mass media go if anything like this could be said about McCain?
Let's face it: Barack Obama is one of the least vetted, least tested and most fawned over by the mass media, presidential candidates in history.
That someone--anyone--is now questioning this, is more than they can take.
For whatever reason, the mainstream press is finally giving some scant space to what has been known from the getgo--the strange background of Barack Obama. It is no freshly discovered truth about Obama's close relationships to Weatherman Bill Ayres and his wife Bernadine Dohrn. That's been public and documented for years.
It is no secret either, about Obama's relationship with shadowy Syrian financier Tony Rezko--who put up the dough so Obama could buy a mansion he couldn't otherwise afford, and has poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into his poliitical campaigns. The only new information is that Rezko was indicted and convicted of fraud in the last few months. That the press has chosen to virtually ignore it is all that makes it seem like a fresh revelation now.
The blackout on Obama's world tour with the radical left after he quite Occidental College in California, his writings and activities at Columbia and Harvard Universities, and his role with the socialist New Party in Illinois--the facts are just waiting to be brought out.
Obama's juvenile drug use--which has has written of in his two books--has been roundly ignored in the mainstream media, but should spark at least legitimate questions.
Obama's extensive ties to Muslims and terrorists are also a legitimate area of questions. His Muslim half brother in Africa, his Muslim half sister in Hawaii. His attendance in Muslim schools until the sixth grade. His relationships with Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farakhan and Moamar Khadafy, the brutal Muslim dictator of Libya. All these are legitimate areas of concern and questions that the mass media has given Obama a pass on.
What if John McCain had a 20-year friendship with Klansman David Duke, or was tight with right wing religious figures like Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson or James Dobson? Just the opposite is actually true--but how wild would the mass media go if anything like this could be said about McCain?
Let's face it: Barack Obama is one of the least vetted, least tested and most fawned over by the mass media, presidential candidates in history.
That someone--anyone--is now questioning this, is more than they can take.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
McCain has got to shuffle the deck
The boring bomb of a debate last night is, as predicted, being chalked up as a win for Obama.
McCain must develop what one CB radio brand advertised, back when those were popular. (CB radios were probably done in by cell phones--Breaker, Breaker, good buddy . . .)
That brand advertised itself as having Punch--being able to break through the clutter. That's exactly McCain's problem--he has to develop Punch to get his message through all the mass media chatter, the web chatter and the neighbor-to-neighbor buzz.
There's plenty of problems with Obama--he's far to the left of most Americans. He is a typical corrupt Chicago machine pol, having taken money from all kinds of unsavory characters and done them favors in return. His resume is so thin as to be hardly in existence at all. His ties to Muslim extremists and his own faith are very troubling.
McCain's done it at least twice already, quite successfully. One was backing the surge in Iraq and the other was selecting Sarah Palin. They were gambles that paid off. Returning to Washington to solve the economic schmozzle was not so successful.
A terrorist attack on U.S. shores would certainly tip public attention McCain's way. None of us want that, but it could happen.
Something less drastic than that is needed, and McCain's brain trust has just a few days to figure it out.
McCain must develop what one CB radio brand advertised, back when those were popular. (CB radios were probably done in by cell phones--Breaker, Breaker, good buddy . . .)
That brand advertised itself as having Punch--being able to break through the clutter. That's exactly McCain's problem--he has to develop Punch to get his message through all the mass media chatter, the web chatter and the neighbor-to-neighbor buzz.
There's plenty of problems with Obama--he's far to the left of most Americans. He is a typical corrupt Chicago machine pol, having taken money from all kinds of unsavory characters and done them favors in return. His resume is so thin as to be hardly in existence at all. His ties to Muslim extremists and his own faith are very troubling.
McCain's done it at least twice already, quite successfully. One was backing the surge in Iraq and the other was selecting Sarah Palin. They were gambles that paid off. Returning to Washington to solve the economic schmozzle was not so successful.
A terrorist attack on U.S. shores would certainly tip public attention McCain's way. None of us want that, but it could happen.
Something less drastic than that is needed, and McCain's brain trust has just a few days to figure it out.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Steadiness, experience show in debate
The mass media will undoubtedly figure out a way to spin an Obama victory in tonight's presidential debate. That was obvious before the first question was even asked at Belmont University in Nashville.
But listening to it, forming an overall impression of the debate as a whole, leads to a conclusion quite different from the media spin, the clever answers to "gotcha" questions and the regurgitation of campaign talking points--all in abundant supply at this media spectacle.
Against the backdrop of the U.S. financial debacle, the shaky national security situation with terrorist attacks in Pakistan and the unresolved wars in Iraq and Afghanistan--Americans will decide, in the secrecy of the voting booth or with their mail-in ballot at the kitchen table, how much change will they really want in these unsettled times?
John McCain is not flashy, certainly looks his age and is not a creative, gee-whiz kind of guy--but he does give off a strong aura of steadiness, familiarity, experience and heroism that in the final gasp, will reassure a majority of Americans.
Obama certainly acquitted himself well in the debate, avoided any obvious gaffes and was the smooth, calm politician he has the reputation of being. The silent role of race, which Americans won't talk about or even lie about to pollsters--is very evident in watching the debate and will influence many citizens final decision, whether they admit it or not.
People reach for a reassuring father figure in times of crisis, like they did FDR in the Great Depression, Dwight Eisenhower in the early Cold War and Ronald Reagan during the economic crisis and hostage holding in Lebanon at the end of the Carter years.
With 29 days until the election, McCain has a tough row to hoe. But Obama has problems too, with his race, age, radical associations and slim resume. But in the final analysis, Americans will be seeking comfort and assurance, and the question will come down to who can best give that to them.
But listening to it, forming an overall impression of the debate as a whole, leads to a conclusion quite different from the media spin, the clever answers to "gotcha" questions and the regurgitation of campaign talking points--all in abundant supply at this media spectacle.
Against the backdrop of the U.S. financial debacle, the shaky national security situation with terrorist attacks in Pakistan and the unresolved wars in Iraq and Afghanistan--Americans will decide, in the secrecy of the voting booth or with their mail-in ballot at the kitchen table, how much change will they really want in these unsettled times?
John McCain is not flashy, certainly looks his age and is not a creative, gee-whiz kind of guy--but he does give off a strong aura of steadiness, familiarity, experience and heroism that in the final gasp, will reassure a majority of Americans.
Obama certainly acquitted himself well in the debate, avoided any obvious gaffes and was the smooth, calm politician he has the reputation of being. The silent role of race, which Americans won't talk about or even lie about to pollsters--is very evident in watching the debate and will influence many citizens final decision, whether they admit it or not.
People reach for a reassuring father figure in times of crisis, like they did FDR in the Great Depression, Dwight Eisenhower in the early Cold War and Ronald Reagan during the economic crisis and hostage holding in Lebanon at the end of the Carter years.
With 29 days until the election, McCain has a tough row to hoe. But Obama has problems too, with his race, age, radical associations and slim resume. But in the final analysis, Americans will be seeking comfort and assurance, and the question will come down to who can best give that to them.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Obama beginning to squeal as truth emerges
Barack Obama is beginning to squeal as finally the truth is coming out about his relationships with shady characters like Bill Ayres, Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Tony Rezko. Their cozy relationships with Muslim terrorists, the big money raised to support them, and the hatred for America that permeates their public utterances--it's all coming home to roost.
The company we keep, and the causes we support, do matter and count for something. If such things turn out to be embarrassing, well--we should have thought about that before we did it. The record is the record.
Obama is accusing the McCain campaign of trying to get the focus off the economy, of smear tactics and anything else it can think of, since he cannot deny the basic truth.
These were his friends, the ones who put him where he is today. There are too many public records, too many video tapes and too many documented news stories in creditable media to deny it. The facts have been there all along, but only now is the mass media beginning to report it.
Is it too late? Will Obama's radicalism register with the public now? Will the state of the economy trump Obama's record?
It ought to be an interesting three weeks, until the election.
The company we keep, and the causes we support, do matter and count for something. If such things turn out to be embarrassing, well--we should have thought about that before we did it. The record is the record.
Obama is accusing the McCain campaign of trying to get the focus off the economy, of smear tactics and anything else it can think of, since he cannot deny the basic truth.
These were his friends, the ones who put him where he is today. There are too many public records, too many video tapes and too many documented news stories in creditable media to deny it. The facts have been there all along, but only now is the mass media beginning to report it.
Is it too late? Will Obama's radicalism register with the public now? Will the state of the economy trump Obama's record?
It ought to be an interesting three weeks, until the election.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Media injects race into presidential contest
A thoroughly predictable response by the liberal mass media to the truth coming out about Barack Obama has arisen: race baiting.
As it is increasingly documented that Obama does keep company with terrorists, like whites Bill Ayres and Jeremiah Wright, with Muslims, and outright crooks like Tony Rezko-- the liberal mass media, already in the tank for Obama, declare that such a line of questioning is racist and out of bounds.
Led by the Associated Press, the media is shreeking "don't confuse us with the facts" because we don't want the facts to rain on our parade or interfere with our coronation of Obama.
There is no factual, legitimate defense to the truth of Obama's associations. He did what he did. It is on videotape, published in respected publications and available in his voice on audio tape or in his own handwriting in his books, from which he's made some $6 million in the last two years.
Added to his ultra-thin resume of either executive or legislative experience, the Obama candidacy is thin gruel indeed.
Just don't dare point it out. You will be tarred with the racist brush.
As it is increasingly documented that Obama does keep company with terrorists, like whites Bill Ayres and Jeremiah Wright, with Muslims, and outright crooks like Tony Rezko-- the liberal mass media, already in the tank for Obama, declare that such a line of questioning is racist and out of bounds.
Led by the Associated Press, the media is shreeking "don't confuse us with the facts" because we don't want the facts to rain on our parade or interfere with our coronation of Obama.
There is no factual, legitimate defense to the truth of Obama's associations. He did what he did. It is on videotape, published in respected publications and available in his voice on audio tape or in his own handwriting in his books, from which he's made some $6 million in the last two years.
Added to his ultra-thin resume of either executive or legislative experience, the Obama candidacy is thin gruel indeed.
Just don't dare point it out. You will be tarred with the racist brush.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
McCain, Palin need to hit Obama harder
Finally, with just three weeks left until the election, Sarah Palin pointed out the obvious: that Barack Obama pals around with terrorists, who hate this country.
She was referring to Bill Ayres, the Weatherman founder, who was acquitted of terrorism charges back in the 1960s, although his wife Bernadine Dorn, did time for terrorism and attempted murder. Ayres and Obama did one of his "community organizing" gigs together, involving millions of federal dollars and private foundation money. Obama took over $150.000 out of the program for personal expenses. Ayres and Dorn are his neighbors in Chicago, and hosted campaign events for his Senate race.
Ayres and Obama were both on the faculty of the University of Chicago, where they became friends. Ayres has written a radical book excoriating the U.S. education system, preferring a system more similar to Israeli kabutzes, where its easier to indoctrinate children in his far-left dogma. Ayres has no business being close to a U.S. President, since he hates this country and what it stands for, and has only regretted not going far enough in trying to bring the government down in the 1960s.
This is far from the only evil relationship Obama has maintained. The big financier of his Chicago campaigns was convicted felon Tony Rezko, as well as the one who financed the mansion purchase Barack and Michelle live in. Much more needs to be said about his pastor, Jeremiah Wright and his extremist, pro-Muslim views and their friendship with Louis Farrakhan and other Muslims. More needs to come out about Obama's early Muslim education, and the extremist views of his late father, carried on today by his half brother and sister.
Fortunately, the same people who were behind the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in the Kerry campaign four years ago, are starting to crank up the commercials and campaign to bring out the truth about Obama. Books by David Federoso and others have been predictably buried by the mainstream media--but the truth is slowly leaking out.
It is completely appropriate for McCain and Palin to acknowledge the facts--and expect the mass media to blast them for doing so. Actually, they are doing the job the mainstream media refuses to do, which has given Obama almost a complete pass on his early life.
She was referring to Bill Ayres, the Weatherman founder, who was acquitted of terrorism charges back in the 1960s, although his wife Bernadine Dorn, did time for terrorism and attempted murder. Ayres and Obama did one of his "community organizing" gigs together, involving millions of federal dollars and private foundation money. Obama took over $150.000 out of the program for personal expenses. Ayres and Dorn are his neighbors in Chicago, and hosted campaign events for his Senate race.
Ayres and Obama were both on the faculty of the University of Chicago, where they became friends. Ayres has written a radical book excoriating the U.S. education system, preferring a system more similar to Israeli kabutzes, where its easier to indoctrinate children in his far-left dogma. Ayres has no business being close to a U.S. President, since he hates this country and what it stands for, and has only regretted not going far enough in trying to bring the government down in the 1960s.
This is far from the only evil relationship Obama has maintained. The big financier of his Chicago campaigns was convicted felon Tony Rezko, as well as the one who financed the mansion purchase Barack and Michelle live in. Much more needs to be said about his pastor, Jeremiah Wright and his extremist, pro-Muslim views and their friendship with Louis Farrakhan and other Muslims. More needs to come out about Obama's early Muslim education, and the extremist views of his late father, carried on today by his half brother and sister.
Fortunately, the same people who were behind the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in the Kerry campaign four years ago, are starting to crank up the commercials and campaign to bring out the truth about Obama. Books by David Federoso and others have been predictably buried by the mainstream media--but the truth is slowly leaking out.
It is completely appropriate for McCain and Palin to acknowledge the facts--and expect the mass media to blast them for doing so. Actually, they are doing the job the mainstream media refuses to do, which has given Obama almost a complete pass on his early life.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Only the voters thought Palin won
The prognosticators and the pollsters have done their best to give Joe Biden the victory in last night's vice presidential debate.
All their blizzard of data and spin proclaimed the Biden victory, but two things stand out that really matter: this debate was watched by about the twice the audience the first presidential debate was, and secondly, most viewers were spectators, not intellectual tit-for-tat fact checkers.
On this basis that John Q. Public (and Joe Six Pack) used to score the debate, Sarah Palin came across as a nice person they could relate to, with incredible charisma, warmth and charm. Joe Biden was the archtypical 36-year Washington hand, all wrapped up in himself, facts and figures--blustering on, but seemed terribly "old politics" and "old school." The world has changed in the internet age.
Political decisions are made in that narrow window when the public is actually paying attention and focusing on the matters at hand. And with early voting procedures now days, many were filling out their mail-in ballots as they watched the debate.
John McCain would be an idiot not to use Sarah Palin in a different way in the campaign now, than he has in the last two weeks. She has recaptured the magic from her GOP national convention speech, and never has stopped drawing incredible crowds where ever she appears.
Sarah Palin has turned things around for the Republican ticket once already, and now has done so again
Pay attention!
All their blizzard of data and spin proclaimed the Biden victory, but two things stand out that really matter: this debate was watched by about the twice the audience the first presidential debate was, and secondly, most viewers were spectators, not intellectual tit-for-tat fact checkers.
On this basis that John Q. Public (and Joe Six Pack) used to score the debate, Sarah Palin came across as a nice person they could relate to, with incredible charisma, warmth and charm. Joe Biden was the archtypical 36-year Washington hand, all wrapped up in himself, facts and figures--blustering on, but seemed terribly "old politics" and "old school." The world has changed in the internet age.
Political decisions are made in that narrow window when the public is actually paying attention and focusing on the matters at hand. And with early voting procedures now days, many were filling out their mail-in ballots as they watched the debate.
John McCain would be an idiot not to use Sarah Palin in a different way in the campaign now, than he has in the last two weeks. She has recaptured the magic from her GOP national convention speech, and never has stopped drawing incredible crowds where ever she appears.
Sarah Palin has turned things around for the Republican ticket once already, and now has done so again
Pay attention!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Palin wins veep debate, hands down
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was bright, enthusiastic and factual in her vice presidential debate tonight. She made no gaffes, as even the liberal pundits acknowledged, but was very strong and confident, with no lapses, hesitation or halting.
Joe Biden was the old Washington hack he is. The consummate 36-year U.S. Senator, he looked old and tired, lapsed into the standard "hate Bush" lingo, and looked insincere in going after one of his best friends in the Senate, Sen. John McCain.
The mass media pundits were beside themselves to discredit Palin, since there was little to attack her for. They were forced to resort to how she dropped her g's, talked about her family and how uncharacteristic Alaska is.
Palin, due to low expectations, would win the debate just by holding her own, making no mistakes and looking presidential.
She did much better than that. She showed an easy and relaxed command of the facts, was almost casual, in playing to her strength as a Washington outsider and scion of the middle class.
Biden prefaced every answer with a gratuous attack first on Bush and then McCain and tying them together. He was great at rehashing the Obama campaign talking points and bringing up the past, but did not paint a picture of the future.
Sarah Palin built impressively on her strong performance in her GOP convention acceptance speech, and continued to fire up the base, as well as appeal to the majority of women--that is, all but the most radical women's lib fringe.
The contrast with Biden was stark--the past versus the future.
Joe Biden was the old Washington hack he is. The consummate 36-year U.S. Senator, he looked old and tired, lapsed into the standard "hate Bush" lingo, and looked insincere in going after one of his best friends in the Senate, Sen. John McCain.
The mass media pundits were beside themselves to discredit Palin, since there was little to attack her for. They were forced to resort to how she dropped her g's, talked about her family and how uncharacteristic Alaska is.
Palin, due to low expectations, would win the debate just by holding her own, making no mistakes and looking presidential.
She did much better than that. She showed an easy and relaxed command of the facts, was almost casual, in playing to her strength as a Washington outsider and scion of the middle class.
Biden prefaced every answer with a gratuous attack first on Bush and then McCain and tying them together. He was great at rehashing the Obama campaign talking points and bringing up the past, but did not paint a picture of the future.
Sarah Palin built impressively on her strong performance in her GOP convention acceptance speech, and continued to fire up the base, as well as appeal to the majority of women--that is, all but the most radical women's lib fringe.
The contrast with Biden was stark--the past versus the future.
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