Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's a riot to see Obama and the boys tapdance

As the old style, Chicago Machine style, politics bubble to the surface once again in Illinois and in the budding Obama administration--it's a riot to see Barack and his team tapdance out of the way, to try to contain the damage.

What we're seeing in the indictment of Gov. Rod Blagojevich for trying to sell Obama's Senate seat to the highest bidder, along with his chief of staff John Harris and others, is based largely on the gut-spilling recollections of the major fundraiser he and Obama share: convicted felon Tony Rezko. The fawning Obama media hide the facts, but any reading of the 79-page indictment and the various insections in Blagojevich and Obama's careers, cannot fail to point out the obvious.

Assuming he goes to jail, Blago will make it four out of the last five Illinois governors who have heard the jail doors clank behind them. Several other prominent Chicago Machine politicians like Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, chairman of the U.S. House Post Office Committee when it ran up the huge postal account deficit scandal that snarled many solons, have done time too.

This is where Obama comes from, and had to trip through the Chicago Machine minefield, to get where he is today. He, Rezko and his chief campaign advisor David Axelrod, ran Blago's first campaign for Governor in 2002. He was re-elected overwhelmingly in 2006, dragging in one Barack Obama on his coat tails to the U.S. Senate. In fact, Blago and his father-in-law, Chicago Alderman Richard Mell, were major players in getting Obama's primary opponent off the ballot, so he could trot unimpeded to the Democratic U.S. Senate nomination.

Blago's wife Patty was the real estate broker of record when Obama purchased his Chicago mansion, with the significant financial help of Rezko.

There are many other ties on record. Just as the compliant liberal media has refused to probe Obama's college writings at Columbia and the Harvard Law Review, his tangled birth records, his William Ayres and Chicago machine connections--they are quickly cordoning off the Blago mess from Obama.

Why should we be surprised?

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