Monday, September 1, 2008

Liberals fit to be tied

As Barack Obama's post-convention bounced never occurred or evaporated--take your choice--liberals are starting to panic. The uncoordinated, scattergun approach to what to do about McCain, and particularly his running mate Sarah Palin, shows desperation and uncertainty.

The Zogby poll shows McCain and Palin two points ahead--when a winning Democrat normally comes out of his convention with a 10-15 point bounce, a cushion to get them through the fall. They are apoplectic.

Former national chairman Don Fowler said Hurricane Gustav is a "gift from God." It is, but not as Fowler thinks. Instead of disrupting the GOP national convention, it is legitimately keeping George Bush and Dick Cheney away to take care of hurricane business, allowing the party to look very humanitarian in raising money for disaster relief and eschewing partisan politics. We don't know how the rest of the week will play out, but so far so good.

The only real negative is the protestors, who the Denver police had under control at the Democratic convention in their city, but are much more violent in St. Paul, throwing bleach at the Connecticut delegation, resulting in 80 arrests in one day--when Denver barely broke 100 for the week.

McCain and Palin look much more the change than Obama and his tired old-Washington-hand veep nominee, Joe Biden. The right is rallying around Palin in supporting her pregnant unmarried daughter, proving her anti-abortion credentials not once, but twice. This has forced Obama to declare family members off limits--ordering his staff not to politicize Palin's daughter.

It still looks like the perfect storm to this blog, with McCain having things well in hand.

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