Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hillary's Tonya Harding strategy

We all remember at the Olympic Ice Skating trials a few years ago, Tonya Harding's thug boyfriend arranged to injure her main opponent's knee to the point that she had to drop out. All were convicted of conspiracy and Harding's career was over.

That seems to be Hillary's strategy in winning the Democratic nomination, now that mathematically, she can't overtake Obama for committed convention delegates. She can at least weaken Obama to the point that the party elders conclude that he can't win and they turn to Hillary.

The risk is that the Democratic nomination won't be worth having, as Hillary and Obama will each be so bloodied that McCain is a cinch to win the election.

Hillary herself is badly in the glue for her lie about her 1996 trip to Bosnia. The story has developed legs, with the Big 3 networks running footage from their archives of the actual trip, to disprove HIllary's whopper about dodging sniper fire so bad that they had to call off the opening ceremonies. Actually, the footage shows school children welcoming Hillary with bands in the background and no one worried about sniper fire.

When combined with Obama's ongoing problems with his pastor, black supremicist Rev. Jeremiah Wright, you have two candidates dropping like a rock in the polls against McCain. The GOP is gleeful, and knowledgeable Democrats are glum.

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