Friday, March 21, 2008

Pictures worth a thousand words

Last week Hillary Clinton regaled a Pennsylvania audience with her trip to Bosnia as First Lady, and how they had to cancel the welcoming ceremonies because they all had to run for cover due to sniper fire.

Well, it was a lie. News photos have surfaced of the occasion, showing Hillary and Chelsey standing as a 9-year-old Bosnian girl read a poem she had written for the occasion. They were all standing peacefully, at ease, with a band and flags draping the glorious scene at plane side.

The Clintons have gloried in pulling out all the stops, using every media contact they ever had to run audio and video of Obama's pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, spewing forth black nationalist, anti-Jew, anti-White, pro-Arab hate as he preaches. Lone behold, a photo has surfaced of the National Prayer Breakfast in 1996 at the White House, with Wright embracing President Bill Clinton. It was the place that Bill solemnly confessed that he had sinned, having the affair with Monica Lewinsky. The White House schedule for that day, released in the recent sheaf of papers from the Clinton Library and the National Archives, shows that not only Bill, but Hillary and Vice President Al Gore were in attendance at the breakfast.

Politicians are notorious for embellishing the truth, forgetting it completely when its most convenient or telling out and out whoppers. None of this should be surprising. Anyone whose career has advanced far enough to run for President, has enough skeletons in the closet that a few are bound to fall out now and then.

What a tangled web we weave . . .

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