Wednesday, October 8, 2008

McCain has got to shuffle the deck

The boring bomb of a debate last night is, as predicted, being chalked up as a win for Obama.

McCain must develop what one CB radio brand advertised, back when those were popular. (CB radios were probably done in by cell phones--Breaker, Breaker, good buddy . . .)

That brand advertised itself as having Punch--being able to break through the clutter. That's exactly McCain's problem--he has to develop Punch to get his message through all the mass media chatter, the web chatter and the neighbor-to-neighbor buzz.

There's plenty of problems with Obama--he's far to the left of most Americans. He is a typical corrupt Chicago machine pol, having taken money from all kinds of unsavory characters and done them favors in return. His resume is so thin as to be hardly in existence at all. His ties to Muslim extremists and his own faith are very troubling.

McCain's done it at least twice already, quite successfully. One was backing the surge in Iraq and the other was selecting Sarah Palin. They were gambles that paid off. Returning to Washington to solve the economic schmozzle was not so successful.

A terrorist attack on U.S. shores would certainly tip public attention McCain's way. None of us want that, but it could happen.

Something less drastic than that is needed, and McCain's brain trust has just a few days to figure it out.

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