Thursday, October 23, 2008

Why is Associated Press not joining liberal pack?

Associated Press, a normally reliably liberal news source, for some reason has an accurate poll on the presidential election, showing McCain and Obama tied. All the new-method polls, with various adjustments to them to account for the new legions of black voters, youth voters with cell phones only, etc., show Obama 10-14 points ahead.

McCain supporters are more energized, according to the AP poll, and Obama supporters less so. The GOP candidate has been shown behind at this stage in all the recent presidential elections, and has either won or come much closer than the polls show.

Only the AP has picked up this happening again.

The liberal pollsters, and of course the liberal press, like to the make the Democratic nominee look as good as possible.

The only mystery is why the AP isn't participating this time.

The election is not over, and with the Bradley Effect to boot, McCain still has an excellent opportunity to be elected.

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