Monday, October 6, 2008

Obama beginning to squeal as truth emerges

Barack Obama is beginning to squeal as finally the truth is coming out about his relationships with shady characters like Bill Ayres, Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Tony Rezko. Their cozy relationships with Muslim terrorists, the big money raised to support them, and the hatred for America that permeates their public utterances--it's all coming home to roost.

The company we keep, and the causes we support, do matter and count for something. If such things turn out to be embarrassing, well--we should have thought about that before we did it. The record is the record.

Obama is accusing the McCain campaign of trying to get the focus off the economy, of smear tactics and anything else it can think of, since he cannot deny the basic truth.

These were his friends, the ones who put him where he is today. There are too many public records, too many video tapes and too many documented news stories in creditable media to deny it. The facts have been there all along, but only now is the mass media beginning to report it.

Is it too late? Will Obama's radicalism register with the public now? Will the state of the economy trump Obama's record?

It ought to be an interesting three weeks, until the election.

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