Saturday, June 21, 2008

Al Franken proving inept as candidate

One likely Democratic pickup in the U.S. Senate is looking less likely, as the Minnesota challenger to incumbent GOP Sen. Norm Coleman, comedian Al Franken, is fumbling his lines. It is getting so bad that former independent, off-the-wall Gov. Jesse Ventura, a former pro wrestler, is threatening to run for the Senate as an independent, which would seal Franken's fate.

Franken has been continually called to account for sexist, racist, lewd and just plain poor taste "comedy" sketches during his lucrative show biz career. He has also stiffed several states for incomes taxes earned in their states, and this is to say nothing of several years of audio tape Republicans have of his radical lefist call-in show on the bankrupt "progressive" network Air America.

Coleman was the mayor of St. Paul, MN and the GOP nominee for the Senate against well-known leftist Sen. Paul Wellstone. The worm turned quick, as Wellstone was killed in a plane crash during the campaign. The Democrats held a tasteless, blast- Republicans funeral for Wellstone that was broadcast internationally. It caused such a negative ruckus that Coleman went on to handily defeat the replacement candidate, former Minnesota Senator and U.S. Vice President Walter Mondale.

It may be the luck of the draw for Coleman again, with Franken as his opponent. The joke is that Franken's campaign plane is always overweight, just to carry all his baggage. This, coupled with Coleman's high energy, intense campaigning in the state, may just save the GOP Senate seat in a very tough Republican year.

Thanks, Al!

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