Saturday, June 7, 2008

Extent of Hillary's cooperation crucial to Obama

They had the big Clintonian love feast today in Washington D.C., so Hillary could make a reasonably graceful exit from her presidential campaign. She said all the right stuff, and everybody cheered, but only time will tell to what extent she will actually help Obama, and how much good it will do if she does.

The old saying is "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." It would be totally in character for Hillary to remain spiteful and vindictive, whatever public front she puts up. She may well hope Obama loses the election so she can run again in 2012 as the "I told you so" candidate.

As an ardent feminist, Hillary can't help but be put out that this, the best chance so far to elect a female president, was shunted aside for a male, even if he is black. Despite the reputation of being the "black" party, the Democrats in truth use blacks to achieve their ends, but leave them enslaved in the welfare state and powerless after the election. Hillary can't be happy about being beaten by some uppity black male.

It's always been the Clintons first, the Democratic Party second--so a magnanimous, generous effort by Hillary to elect Obama would be a first. It might happen, but more likely, the Clintons still have an unfulfilled personal agenda, which doesn't include eight years of Obama as president.

Obama, on the other hand, has real problems with the blue collar white vote. McCain could well carry normally Democratic states like Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Michigan and Minnesota, as this vote deserts Obama. Obama's big victories were in normally GOP states that will return to the fold in November. He needs Hillary's positive, active support to stem the tide to McCain that could lose him crucial Democratic states.

The $64,000 question is "Will he get it?"

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