Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Media did do Hillary In

Allegedly Hillary Clinton will be dropping out of the Democratic presidential contest and endorsing Obama on Friday, if you believe the mass media reports.

I heard a New York cab driver commenting on this on the radio tonight and he said "The media stampeded the superdelegates into nominating Obama. Hillary won the popular vote and should have had all of Florida and Michigan. They're tired of the Clintons, and wanted them out."

In his thick, uneducated Bronx brogue, the cabbie had it exactly right. In the highly UNdemocratic Democratic convention, controlled by the so-called superdelegates, who comprise 25% of the delegates at the convention, the backroom power brokers and hacks control the outcome. They don't entrust the final decision to the democratically elected delegates.

Once the members of the House and Senate, superdelegates all, stuck their fingers in the air to see which way the wind was blowing, the media said it was Obama, and they gratefully full into line.

The Democratic voters were with Hillary. As a Republican, I'm glad it's Obama, because he is a far weaker candidate, but to be truthful about it, Hillary got jobbed. Even on the last night of primaries, she carried South Dakota, after smashing Obama on Sunday in Puerto Rico.

It's the blue collar white males who will carry this election. They were for Hillary, and now they're for McCain. It may be their last hoorah, but in November, 2008 they will speak, and the world will listen.

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