Saturday, June 28, 2008

Supreme Court gun decision rankles liberals

One of the great decisions yet to come out of the Roberts Supreme Court, and there have been several, is the decision outlawing Washington D.C.'s handgun ban. This affirms the Second Amendment to the U.S. constitution in a powerful way.

It was a 5-4 decision, of which there have been many, depending on whether wayward justice Anthony Kennedy leans left or right. He sold out the President and Congress on the Gitmo detention facility for Afghanistani terrorists and handed the liberal wing a victory.

He held firm on the handgun ban, though. To hear the liberals bleat and moan, you'd swear the gun carnage in Washington D.C. will be monumental. Actually, the right of citizens to keep and bear firearms will probably make it a safer place to live, in truth.

What is hilarious, is watching Barack Obama having to grit his teeth, and say nice things about the court decision. Afterall, he has to get the votes of all those blue collar white guys who supported Hillary Clinton. You know, the ones with the gun rack in the back window of their pickups.

You know that Barack, with the most liberal voting record of any member of the U.S. Senate, is lying through his clenched teeth. He is furious, at both the decision and his having to back it.

The Second Amendment is the one that the liberals hate the most, and are the most uncomfortable dealing with. It will be fascinating to see how they manuver around this decision.

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