Wednesday, June 18, 2008

McCain on thin ice with Lieberman on ticket

Ultra-liberal political commentators are urging presumptive GOP presidential candidate John McCain to select his good buddy Sen. Joe Lieberman as his vice presidential running mate. No respectable Republican has come forward with that suggestion, let alone a conservative. The liberals should keep their nose out of Republican's business.

Joe Lieberman is not acceptable. He is a liberal Democrat who got re-elected as an independent, because he wasn't liberal enough for the radical wing of the Democratic party in Connecticut. He caucuses in the Senate with the Democrats, and except for agreeing with McCain and President Bush on Iraq, has little in common with the GOP.

He was, afterall, Al Gore's running mate on the Democratic ticket eight years ago. He is pro-choice on abortion, a big spender on money bills and supporter of most Democratic domestic initiatives. Outside out of briefly suporting educational vouchers until the teacher's union called him to heel, Lieberman is far from even a moderate Republican.

With McCain at 72-years-old, and not in perfect health due to Vietnam War injuries, the vice presidential nomination is more important on his ticket than most. Do you want to see Joe Lieberman as president if something happens to McCain? I sure don't.

McCain's maverick streak, and moves to lard up his campaign with so-called "moderate" Republicans, has him in enough trouble with the conservative GOP base already. Adding Lieberman to the ticket would poison the relationship for good, and doom the ticket to defeat.

That's a risk he doesn't want, or need, to take.

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