Friday, June 27, 2008

Hillary and Obama all chummy

Today in the tiny burg of Unity, New Hampshire, where each got 107 votes in the primary, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama had a Unity Rally, to kick off the unification of the Democratic Party under his leadership.

Barack and his wife Michelle each gave the maxmimum $2,300 to Hillary's campaign earlier in the day,to help retire the $20 millio debt her effort has left over. It was the maximum they could each contribute by law, and a gesture intended to signal their best-heeled supporters to dig in for Hillary.

In truth, Obama has been a very reluctant fundraiser for anyone but himself. He has barely flicked a wrist for the $15 million the Denver organizing committee has left to raise for putting on the national Democratic convention. His effort in behalf of Hillary's debt has been equally tepid, they say.

Actually, what Hillary and Obama do matters little, in terms of party unity. It's what Hillary's middle-aged, white supporters do. The feminists are mad because a woman did not get the nomination, and the blue collar white males feel left out by Obama, who is an elitist and half black. It is Hillary's supporters Obama has to entice, and it's a real uphill climb.

The males are a natural audience for John McCain and his distinguished miliary career, and the women are more likely to just sit on their hands and reluctantly vote, but not work, for Obama.
The show today was great TV, but the results won't be known until November.

1 comment:

Ted said...

Now that we’re beyond Hillary, we can look forward to the first female VP, Sarah Palin, to become the first female President of the United States in 4 years!