Friday, June 6, 2008

Obama and Hillary meeting badly overblown

You have to give Hillary and Obama credit. They did manage to get to California Sen. Diane Feinstein's Washington mansion to start planning how to unify the Democratic Party, before the press found out about it. When they emerged from the mansion, some press was there, panting breathlessly like this was some big deal.

Mainly they were just jealous that Obama and Hillary had put one over on them. How dare these people not allow the press to follow like them papparatzi over to Di's mansion? Who do they think they are, cutting out the press?

In reality this is a really little deal, of virtually no import. Hillary and Obama have met and talked before, and probably will meet and talk again. I mean, if you were $30 million in debt like Hillary's campaign is, wouldn't you be tugging on Obama's jacket pocket too?

The press was still broadcasting live, on stakeouts of Feinstein's mansion, long after Hillary and Obama had left. They played it up for all the drama that could possibly be squeezed out of a nothingburger meeting.

This was of even less consequence than chasing OJ's white Bronco by helicopter in LA a few years ago. A word is worth a thousand pictures--the story of TV news.

Spare me. Wake me up when you have something meaningful and significant to report.

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