Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dr. James Dobson gets it right on

Focus on the Family founder Dr. James Dobson blasted Barack Obama for twisting the Bible and the United States Constitution on his daily radio show today. The press tried to downplay it, but Dobson is so prominent and carried on so many radio stations nationwide, that they couldn't totally ignore it.

A politician distorting scripture is hardly news. The Bible is ignored, unless its a handy prop to advance the cause of the politician using it. Obama is certainly not alone in using the portions that suit him, out of context, and ignoring what it really says. Most people don't go to church enough, or read the Bible enough, to know the difference.

It takes a student of the Bible such as Dr. Dobson to point out the truth. Most are reticent to do so, and just let the legions of distortions slide. That's why Dobson encounters so much heat for taking a stand, because its so rare for anyone to do so.

Dr. Dobson has more credibility in his stand than the liberal mass media gives him credit for, because he is not a John McCain fan either. Dobson has said he may vote for a third party candidate for president, or only vote for the other offices on down the ticket, rather than vote for McCain.

If Barack Obama is a Christian, it is a very liberal Christianity of very loose standards, since his pastor of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright, cavorts with Muslims like Louis Farakhan and Libyian dictator Moamar Khadafi, and virtually all of Obama's family in Kenya are Muslims.

Obama is being handled with kid gloves because he's half-black, and few are willing as Dr. Dobson was, to call him on his fast and loose handling of the facts.

Dr. Dobson's comments may serve to rally dispirited Christians, who are very disillusioned with the performance of the Republican Party in Congress and with John McCain in particular. The only hope for defeating Obama is for the Christian base of the GOP to come to a place where they can hold their noses and vote for McCain.

Dobson's remarks might be a start.

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